Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sensitive skin? Sun allergy? Rosacea? What is this!?

I’ve always had slightly reddish skin on my cheeks, nose, and chin, and have always flushed very easily (people must think I’m embarrassed all the time, but I’m not). I recently read about rosacea and immediately thought that I must have it. But I have other symptoms that rosacea is not supposed to cause…

Sometimes my face flushes for absolutely no reason, and feels hot and irritated at the same time. My skin turns bright red, feels like it is being stretched, and even feels hot to the touch, like I’m feverish. It also feels like every ounce of moisture has simply left my skin. It’s EXACTLY like the feeling of sitting too close to a campfire. I’ve tried pinpointing foods, alcohol, skin care products that I use, clothes I wear, etc., and I can’t find a trigger. I know that physical exertion, warm temperatures, and bright sunlight definitely make it worse, but it happens sometimes when none of these factors are present.

These “attacks” have been happening to some degree for over 5 years now (I’m almost 29), but for the last year or so they seem to have become much more frequent. Now that summer is here (which means more heat and sunlight), it’s happening nearly every day. I’m embarrassed to go out in public with people because I’m afraid my face is going to light up.

Could I have rosacea AND sensitive skin? Or could this be something else entirely?

Sensitive skin? Sun allergy? Rosacea? What is this!?
Go to your dermatologist and have them diagnose it.
Reply:I would get checked for lupus. It is a connective tissue disorder and this is one of the symptoms. Sorry, it is not a good disease.
Reply:I don't know if it is rosacea because one of my white friends has it and I think it was a condition she had for most of her life. I don't think that it can just occur especially in your 20s. But you could have a sensitive skin condition.

You should definitely see a dermatologist.
Reply:I suspect you damaged your skin from repeated exposure to heat which can be confused with rosacea. My suggestion is too strictly avoid heat including all forms for two years. This includes the heat from the sun(suntanning), saunas, steam from cooking, sitting under hot lights, etc. On hot days, avoid putting suntan lotion, heavy makeup, or heavy moisturing on your skin. The oils and lotions will trap in the heat. When you excercise, take a water bottle and spray your face to keep your skin cool. Don't put steroid creams on your face, they thin the skin(atrophy). Spicey food and hot drinks will still cause your skin to flush because you have thin skin and a reduced ability to sweat on your face. I left you the link of the name of the condition I think you have. You don't need to have mottle skin to have it, just redness(erythema).


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