it seems like everything I use breaks out my skin! is this because its verry sensitive... or something else? But what? i know that I have extremely sensitive skin but i dont know what to do? And I have always had thiss like crop of whiteheads underneath my bottom lip there not visible unless I pull my lip up but there still anoying they have been there for many year. What are they and how to get rid of them!
Could my skin just be really really sensitive?
Quit playing with your face, wash often, have clean sheets - especially the pillow case.
See a dermatologist
Reply:You should go see a doctor. I used something that broke out my skin really bad, so I went to the doctors and they told me which products to use for my skin. Maybe a deurmatologist can help?
Reply:i used to have the SAME EXACT PROBLEMS AS YOU. what i used/use to control my acne is pretty simple. In the beginning, when it was really bad, i washed my face with Clearasil acne clearing scrub. After most of my bad pimples went away, i started washing it with oil of olay foaming face wash. its really gentle and wont upset your skin. for spot treatment creams, try clean and clear persa gel 10. its the best one i've ever tried, and believe me, i've tried a lot of creams. good luck :)
Reply:I'd really consider seeing a doctor so
you can benefit from the right treatment
and get rid of it once and for all. There
are so many different products that
would clear it up without further frustration
and searching for the right cure.
Reply:ask a dermatologist coz they can give you the facts about you skin.. n treat whatever is needed..
Reply:you no my skin has been very sensitive all my life i have been using alphahydroxy foaming face wash for years and no soap and i tell you i have not had one pimple in years also it would not hurt to go see a dermatologist they can help out really good i also have rosesatia that's red spots on your cheeks so i use metrojel on that area works great good luck.
Reply:Make sure you're using oil-free products, and try products that say they're made for sensitive skin. There's a L'Oreal three-step acne fighting system that works pretty good, but the lotion it comes with can be very drying (especially for sensitive skin), so only use that lotion at night. But use the facewash and toner twice a day, and in the morning follow with an oil-free moisturizer that also fights pimples, such as Clean %26amp; Clear dual action moisturizer. You won't see results for about a week or two, but if after two weeks you still don't see your skin clearing, go see a dermatologist. He/she may prescribe you with Accutane, which is an oral medication for serious cases of acne that you take for about six months which I believe slows down the oil production of your skin. It works miracles, but can have bad side effects such as major drying out of the skin. It has also been linked to depression though, so make sure you talk to your doctor about that. Good luck! :-)
Reply:Are you sure that it is whitehead and not milia?
paper bush
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