helo everyone. well u see.. my skin is vry sensitive. if i just rub my face like wif a finger.. it turns red.. n when i wash it it becomes red. if a cosmetic doesnt suit my skin it will cause brkout or sumkind of wound.. or blemish i think. how do i find out wich facial wash suit me the best? because i've been changing it quite often.. from blackberry facial mask to dove soap to..water360degree facial wash.. then now to clean %26amp; clear facial cleanser.. =( my pimples are really bad. even though they are small at first.. as days go by they become vry sore n big n lumpy n red. and they take months to cure.. the scar remains for vry long too.
even worst.. when i think they are curing..they start to sort of activate agn. like have pus n stuffs.. or bleed. =( pls help me!!! i dono if i can have clear skin al lthe time, but wud anyone tell me a gd way to take care of my kind of skin??
pls dun recommend a dermatologist.. becoz my parents will say.. its just teens thing n wun lemme go
ACNE on my poor sensitive skin. pls help me.. :(?
It is obvious ur system needs a GOOD CLEAN UP,,,DETOXIFY!!! First thing u need do is stop the usual diet U have been on %26amp; start eating healthily %26amp; wisely.
a) first thing in the morning U go brush ur teeth properly %26amp; not just a quick brsuh but take ur time %26amp; do it properly with a good hot tooth paste %26amp; decent tooth brush that is medium. Next brush ur tongue or use a scrapper (u can buy this from a pharmacy or chinese medical shop) U ahve to scrape ur tongue every day %26amp; like ur teeth a few times a day %26amp; rinse ur mouth after each meal. GO DRINK A GLASS OF WATER AFTER U HAVE WASHED UP.
b) For breakfast, U make a nice cup of tea (if U are above 18yrs.) or a glass of warm milk. Make urself 2 slices of toasted wholemeal bread or have a big bowl of cornflakes (u alternate breads %26amp; cereal or oates) , Half hour later U drink a half cup water.
c) 2 hours later, U drink a glass of water %26amp; have a slice of fresh fruit or a tall glass of fruit juice.
d) For lunch about 3 hours later U just eat salads or a tuna sandwich %26amp; a barley drink, or fruit juice again (this makes u cleans ur system. Half to 1 hour a glass of water.
e) For tea after 3 hours U have a pastry %26amp; a cup of hot lemon tea or tea with milk. i hour later a glass of water.
f) Dinner after 3 hours, U have roast chicken with gravy %26amp; slice of whole meal %26amp; boiled or baked potato %26amp; salad. GLASS OF WATER TO WASH IT DOWN
g) At 9pm before u go to bed U take ZENTEL or COMBANTRIN , worm treatment as a start to kill all the worms ,tape worms, hook worms , round worm ( in most humans there is one if from young U lived in dirty places or U have not been clean). This too will remove the "stye u would have in ur eye now %26amp; then . This is taken at least once a year every human who eats all sorts of foods %26amp; not home cooked.
This is the routime U follow for at least a month %26amp; u will notice the difference in ur complexion. U need to take at least once a week AGAROL strawberry flavoured lexative to ease off ur bowels U have accumulated in ur system. U will feel so relieved %26amp; light %26amp; clean after this treatment.
Wash ur face with a small face towel (do not use it for any other use but face only). Then U cna pat dry %26amp; put a bit of dusting powder to dry off the pimples till all is cleared. Greasy face is also the cause of dirt/dust sticking onto ur face from exposure outdoors. wash ur face at least few times a day when u r outdoors a lot. DO NOT TOUCH UR FACE WITH UR DIRTY HANDS ANYTIME ,,,SO USE A TISSUE TO WIPE OFF %26amp; NOT UR BARE FINGERS OR HAND THAT HAS TOUCHED ALL OVER THE PLACE.
No amount of money u spend can help u clear ur face if U are not clean %26amp; have bad diet %26amp; NO WATER,,,,,,WILL EVENTUALLY HURT UR KIDNEYS. U can observe that after each time U go to urinate ur urine is clearer %26amp; soon as after a few hours U ahve not drunk water, ur urine is back to getting yellow %26amp; then as the day go by it gets darked yellow. This is a warning U need to flush ur kidneys.,,,DRINK A BIG GLASS OF WATER.
Do let me know if U have improved with what I have told U to do. all the best %26amp; be honest with urself when U follow what I have told U to do.
Reply:Shame .This darn puberty years .Many dos and donts.
get more zink in your diet .use calamine lotion dont consume alcohol. dont eat unhealthy.dont squeeze it.sun is good for acne but bad for sensitive skin
Reply:You have to attack acne where it starts, with your diet. For me, diet was the cause and solution. Topical medications fight the symptoms. Start by eliminating trans fats and eating more fruits and vegetables. Once you start cleaning up the inside of your body, by eating properly, the outside of your body (your skin) will be get cleaned up too. I started a website to document my problem and solution.
You might find it helpful to read my story. Just remember to eat an all natural/organic diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. Stay away from processed foods. Use mild, all natural cleansers and don't pick at your face. Get lots of sleep and enough water for your body weight. Remember, clean body = clean skin. While you're waiting for your skin to clear, remind yourself that acne is a challenge that you will overcome soon. Once you're rid of it, tell all your friends how you did it. That's what I'm doing. God Bless.
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